Executive Chairman ZHANG Yi Meets with Mr. HAN Xiaodong
At 4 pm of March 18th, 2016, Mr. ZHANG Yi headed the Delegation of INESA to meet Mr. HAN Xiaodong, Economic and Commercial Counsellor of Chinese Embassy in Sweden at his office. Both parties carried out the discussion concerning the sci-tech innovation and economic cooperation between China and Sweden.
Mr. ZHANG Yi and Mr. HAN Xiaodong (Right), Mr. YU Jiangang (Middle)
Mr. HAN Xiaodong extended his welcome to the visiting guests and made the brief introduction to the current situation of the investment environment and economic cooperation of Sweden. Mr. ZHANG Yi expressed his gratitude to Mr. HAN Xiaodong who managed to find time to meet the Delegation. He said, the purpose of visiting Sweden was to find the best road map for the cooperation between Chinese enterprises and Swedish sci-tech institutions and business partners.
Mr. YU Jiangang, Vice President of INESA made the specific presentation of the offshore power system, the ongoing project of the company. He said, since the whole word attached more and more attention to the environmental governance, the construction of green port had become the key project in many countries with a view to solving the pollution problem. INESA had developed the offshore power solution system with the competitiveness in the market and was quite willing to set up a model project in Europe in order to present Chinese solution as for the construction of green port in the world. This effort would surely ensure the exporting of Chinese equipment. The purpose of INESA’s visiting Sweden was not only to find the best technological optimum solution with Swedish partner, but also to find the new road as for the sci-tech innovation between INESA and KTH.
Mr. HAN Xiaodong listenedintently to the presentation of Mr. YU Jiangang; then he remarked, he and his colleagues would warmly welcome the economic cooperation and sci-tech innovation of INESA in Sweden and would provide the related services in line with the actual needs of INESA. He would like to provide the follow-up service as for the project of INESA in order to assist the company in achieving its objective.
Mr. ZHANG Yi remarked, since the construction of the Belt and Road had become the national policy in China, how to create the successful case in which Chinese enterprises relied on their own advantages and strength with the guidance of Economic and Commercial Counsellor’s Office would be of vital importance to the concerned parties. As the European NGO, the Commission would like to make the full use of the advantages of being a platform. The Commission would explore the innovative road along with the Office in order to achieve win-win in the fields of sci-tech innovation and economic cooperation between China and Europe for Chinese enterprises.
The meeting concluded amid the pleasant atmosphere.